Geraniums are not only beautiful flowering plants that flower for many months but is also nearly indestructible. Simply cut the plant back to the ground after the first blooms fade, this will encourage second plant growth and form even more amazing looking flowers. Geraniums have different coloured flowers, so you are spoilt for choice when adding these amazing plants to your garden.
Some hardy geraniums, such as Geranium “Rozanne” have the potential to flower for months on end.
Hardy Geraniums

Geraniums are not only beautiful flowering plant that flowers for many months but is also nearly indestructible. simply the plant back to the ground of the first blooming flowers, this will encourage second plant growth and form even more amazing looking flowers. Geraniums have different coloured flowers, so you are spoilt for choice when adding these amazing plants to your garden.
Hardy geraniums are almost indestructible plants, with the potential to flower for months on end. No deadheading is needed – instead cut right back to the ground after the first flush of flowers. This will encourage a second flush of foliage and flowers to form, with little effort.

If you want to make your flower planting super easy, then azaleas are a great choice. Very few shrubs provide the same shock of spring colour than azaleas and they come in a great variety of colours as well – purple, pink, red, orange, yellow and white. They are great in your low maintenance beds because they are usually relatively compact and slow growing with a single stem which makes it easy to lay weed controlling membrane or other mulches right up-to the stem.

low maintenance beds is a good option. There are hundreds of blub flowering plant varieties like the good old daffodil, crocus or snowdrops that flower during spring or alliums and lilies that flower during summer.
Tip: When the plant and flowers die off, do not dig up the blubs, leave them in the ground and they will multiply and reflower the following year!

With several varieties to choose from plants don’t come much more low maintenance than these evergreens. One of the best is Euonymus “Emerald ‘n’ Gold.” Though a common choice in gardens this is for a very good reason – there is little to match it’s year round green & gold variegated leaves. They brighten up even the darkest winters day in any garden.

Low maintenance doesn’t mean “no” maintenance and flowering Salvias such as “Hot Lips” may require a reasonably sunny location and cutting back each year to encourage bushing out, but they are certainly worth the (small) amount of effort. You will be rewarded with daily colour from May to the first frosts with small red tipped white flowers that give the variety its name.

What could be better than growing a low maintenance plant like strawberries and having some nice, delicious fruit to eat on a hot summer’s day? Strawberries require little maintenance when grown in your garden, all they need is some water and let nature take care of the rest. If you have kids, then growing strawberries can be a fun family activity. Best of all there is almost no tidy up the strawberry plants have been harvested.

The Abelia shrub is known for its slow growing pace making it an ideal plant for a low maintenance bed in your garden. The shrub requires little pruning, and the plant produces lots of small, scented blooms in the summer and autumn months.
The above are just a few examples of low maintenance plants you can add to your garden. If you are not sure which are the best plants to grow in your garden or you are looking to convert your garden beds to low maintenance beds, then why not contact SC gardening today and find out why we are rated as one of the best local gardeners in Northern Ireland.